Issue 6

Tosa East Dullard Accepted To UW-Madison On Minesweeper Scholarship

Mr. Stroud Launches Schoolwide Search For Lost "Little Black Book"

Maverick Apologizes For Article

Challenge Students Get Assignment

Teen Killed In Our Hallways

Local Underground Paper Fills Blank Space

Teacher Grows New "Stache" For Upcoming Hollywood Film

Point/ Counterpoint

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Mr. Stroud Launches Schoolwide Search For Lost "Little Black Book"

By Ludicrisp
Vice Principal Stroud was seen in a panic stricken frenzy last Friday, searching for his lost "little black book."

"I know it's here. It's here somewhere," said Stroud, as he desperately searched his office. Later that day, Stroud interrupted 6th hour with some emergency announcements.

"I want you to search every classroom, locker room, lunchroom and Raider Room until we find this little black book." The contents of the little black book are unknown, but the book is rumored to contain numerous phone numbers of eligible bachelorettes living in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. As of Monday morning, the school wide search had yielded little evidence as to the whereabouts of the little black book. However, freshman Chris Prus reminded Mr. Stroud that, "All is not lost. You can always borrow my Chicktionary."

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