Issue 12

Fight The Power
White Male
History Month
Joe Wong
Funniest Home
Videos Shows
10,000th Hit
To Groin
Top Ten Reasons
To Become A
Cardinal Newsie
Oliver Sucks
Wu-Tang Is For
The Children

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the underground online
issue twelve - march 24 1998

Fight The Power

I spent many minutes pondering the problem, and the only thing I can think of to protest is the lack of things to protest.

White Male History Month

Student Spotlight:  Joe Wong

America's Funniest Home Videos Shows 10,000th Hit To Groin

Top Ten Reasons To Become A Cardinal Newsie

Oliver Sucks

Wu-Tang Is For The Children*

Newman's Notes:
This issue featured the first ever non-Newman headline, "Fight The Power" by M. F. Luder. Despite the very funny concept of protesting the lack of things to protest and good writing in the article, it was lost in a sea of other funny articles contained in this issue. Yet another issue without a weak spot. The Joe Wong student spotlight was loved by Ms. Bertorello, America's Funniest Home Videos is more great satire, the top ten list is one of the best I've ever seen and "White Male History Month" (a tag team article because The Regulator didn't get it in till the day the issue was printed) combined the twisted minds of both Newman and The Regulator. "Oliver Sucks" accomplished its goal of promoting the Beeshu show at The Rave, but was much more effective at pissing off all the Tosa East Players, something Kesus intended to do all along.

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* Only on The Underground Online